RepExplore - Web-service API
To enable a programmatic access to RepExplore and facilitate the execution of multiple analyses, the web-application provides a simple web-service API using RESTful calls. On this page we provide the general specification and an example python script for the submission of a typical analysis.

1. General API specification

An analysis with a user-defined omics dataset can be submitted easily in an automated fashion, using a programmatic interface to upload the tab or space-delimited data file onto the server and to run an analysis. As output, the user will receive the URL of a web-page where the results of the analysis can be retrieved as an HTML-page with interactive tables and graphic visualizations, or as a tab-delimited table of statistics.

VariablesupFile=Inform the server that a file is uploaded. Value should always be "yes"
file=The file to be uploaded encoded as multipart form data (see Python example below)
vsnorm=Determine whether a variance-stabilizing normalization shall be applied (Value should be 1 for "yes" or 0 for "no")
medscale=Determine whether a median scaling normalization shall be applied (Value should be 1 for "yes" or 0 for "no")
pcaplot=Specify whether a Principal Component Analyis plot shall be generated (Value should be 1 for "yes" or 0 for "no")
Returns200 OK & HTML-code of the acknowledgement web-page
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found

2. Python example source code

To faciliate the API access, the Python script included in the downloadable zip-archive below provides the code required to automatically submit a dataset and run an analysis. The zip-archive also contains an example omics dataset, so that the user only needs to replace this dataset with new data and adjust the existing script for custom analyses.

Download Python example source code for automatically uploading and analyzing user-defined omics data