RepExplore - Tutorial
This page provides an overview on the features of the RepExplore web-application and step-by-step instructions on how to use the software to exploit technical replicate information in omics data analysis.

1. Introduction and feature overview

Experimental platforms for high-throughput omics measurements are typically affected by technical sources of noise. It is therefore common practice to use technical replicates in addition to biological replicates in order to account for the noise in the data that was introduced during the measurement process. For this purpose, metabolomics and proteomics mass spectrometry datasets typically include between two to three replicates per biological sample and gene and protein microarray chips often contain two or more on-chip replicates to reduce the influence of technical noise in subsequent data analysis. While data pre-processing methods using the technical replicates to compute robust averages for each biological sample (often referred to as "replicate summarization") provide benefits in the downstream data analysis in terms of robustness and reliability, the information captured in the variance of technical replicate measurements is usually ignored.
RepExplore is a web-application that exploits both information from the averages and the variance of technical replicates in order to obtain more robust and reliable scores for differential expression/abundance of genes, proteins or metabolites in an omics dataset. Identifying differentially expressed/abundant biomolecules is one of the most common omics analysis tasks, with specific applications in biomarker discovery for case-control studies and numerous other applications in the comparison of biological samples under different conditions. RepExplore facilitates this task for datasets containing technical and biological replicates, by making recently developed statistics for exploiting technical replicate variance information easily and quickly accessible for the user. The main features of the software are:

  • RepExplore provides a fully automated differential abundance analysis of omics data within few minutes
  • The results can be explored interactively using sortable ranking table, interactive heat maps, 3D PCA plots and box-whisker plots
  • The web-based software is platform-independent and does not require any prior software installations other than a standard web-browser
  • Example datasets can be analyzed directly with a few mouse-clicks to explore the software functionality before uploading new data

2. Quickstart guide

In order to quickly become familiar with RepExplore's features, the user can choose the "Analyze example data" option on the main page, which will open up a menu, allowing the user to select a test dataset from a public case-control study or wild-type/knockout study and start an analysis by clicking the "Run Analysis" button.

Dataset selection interface 1
Figure 1: RepExplore main interface after choosing the "Analyze example data" option.

Optionally, a principal component analysis (PCA) visualization can be included in the output (this may increase the processing time by a few minutes). After submitting an analyis, a temporary status page is loaded which will redirect the user to the page with the analysis results after a short waiting time (the time depends on the dataset size - for larger datasets, the user can bookmark the status page or request an e-mail notification to return at a later time). On the results page, the user will find a sortable ranking table of the differentially abundant biomolecules, a heat map visualization of the top-ranked differential biomolecules, as well as the possibility to generate bar charts for individual biomolecules of interest or to download all statistics in tabular format.
In order to analyse the user's own data, the only additional first step required in comparison to the example data analysis is to upload the tab-delimited dataset on the main web-interface. The corresponding format requirements are explained in the following section.

3. Formatting and uploading of omics data

On the RepExplore web-interface the user can upload and analyze any omics dataset that contains log-scaled intensity measurements with both biological and technical replicates for two conditions (e.g. "patient vs. healthly control", "treated vs. untreated", "before knockdown vs after knockdown"). A dataset can be provided as a tab- text-file, e.g. using the corresponding export- functionality in common spreadsheet software programs, by specifying one biomolecule (= gene, protein or metabolite) per line and one sample (= technical replicate) per column. Please note that biological replicates are required for all sample groups and technical replicates are required for each biological sample. The first column contains the biomolecule identifiers, while all remaining columns contain the numerical expression or abundance levels for the measured genes, proteins or metabolites in the omics dataset (see Figure 2a).

Schematic dataset format
Figure 2a): Schematic format for tab-delimited datasets for analysis on RepExplore.

The biological conditions and technical replicates assignments for the samples are specified in the first line by providing one numbered label for each column/sample, consisting of a text label for the biological condition (e.g. 'case' or 'control') concatenated with an underscore and the number for the biological replicate (e.g. "case_1, case_2, case_3" for 3 different biological samples for condition 'case') and a further underscore followed by the technical replicate number (e.g. "case_1_1, case_1_2" for two replicates available for the first biological sample). Identifiers for samples belonging to the same biological condition should start with the same text label and may only differ in the following replicate numbers. For example, Figure 2b) shows a case-control dataset with 2 biological samples and 2 technical replicates for each biological sample:

Format instructions for datasets
Figure 2b): Example input data with format instructions.

To faciliate the preparation of your input data, you can also download an example dataset in the required format here as a reference. After choosing the "Upload my own omics dataset" option on the main web-interface and clicking the "Click here to upload dataset" button, a dataset on your local hard drive can be selected and sent to the RepExplore web-server. When the successful upload is confirmed (i.e. "File upload successful" appears on the main interface), the analysis can be started by clicking the "Run Analysis" button (optionally, a median-scaling or variance-stabilizing normalization can be applied to the data prior to the analysis). Please contact us, should you have any questions regarding the formatting, upload or analysis of your data.

Dataset selection interface 2
Figure 2c): RepExplore main interface after choosing the "Upload my own dataset" option.

4. Differential expression/abundance analysis of biomolecules

When the RepExplore web-application has successfully processed an uploaded omics dataset, the user will be redirected to a results page, containing an interactive ranking table of the differentially abundant biomolecules (see Figure 4 below, up to 500 top-ranked biomolecules are included in the interactive table), a downloadable version of the complete ranking table covering all biomolcules in the dataset, and an interactive heat map visualization of the top 15 differentially abundant biomolecules. The ranking table is sortable and by clicking multiple times on a chosen column header, each column can be sorted either in descending or ascending order.

Results page menu
Figure 3: Menu on the RepExplore Results page, showing the available options.

Ranking table
Figure 4: Ranking table of differentially abundant biomolecules generated as one of the main RepExplore outputs.

The first column of the ranking table contains the biomolecule identifiers as provided in the first column of the uploaded omics dataset. For each ranked biomolecule, the user has the possibility to generate a bar chart visualization by clicking on the corresponding link "generate bar plot" below the identifier (see example in Figure 5 below). This chart displays both the average abundance levels of the biomolecules in the different biological conditions (highlighted by different colors) and the standard deviation of the technical replicates around these average abundance levels (the average abundance levels are represented by the short horizontal lines and the standard deviations by the length of the vertical lines crossing the horizontal lines, see Figure 5).

Bar chart visualization
Figure 5: Bar chart visualization for a single differentially abundant biomolecule.

The ranking score for differential expression/abundance used to order the biomolecules is determined by the "probability of positive log-ratio (PPLR)" statistic between two specified biological conditions. This statistic (provided in table column 3) differs from conventional differential expression statistics in that it takes into account the variance among technical replicate samples in the input data (see Liu et al., Bioinformatics, 2006; Pearson et al., BMC Bioinformatics, 2009). The PPLR statistic represents the likelihood of the ratio between case and control condition measurements being positive (i.e. the case samples being up-regulated in respect to the control samples). While a PPLR close to 1 signals an up-regulation in the cases as compared to controls, a PPLR close to 0 indicates a down-regulation. Although PPLR values do not correspond to classical p-value statistics, a transformation into a "p-like" significance score (= min(PPLR, 1-PPLR)) is possible (see 4th column in the ranking table). For comparison, columns 5 to 6 in the ranking table show results for a commonly used empirical Bayes moderated T-test applied to the mean-summarized technical replicates (including the T-score, the p-value significance score, and the adjusted p-value according to the Benjamini-Hochberg method). When selecting differentially abundant genes/proteins/metabolites users should not only take these significance scores into account, but also the effect size, measured by the mean fold change (i.e. the ratio between mean abundance level in cases to controls transformed to logarithmic scale, here provided in the 2nd table column).
As a final output, RepExplore generates an interactive heat map visualization of the top 15 most differentially abundant biomolecules across the samples of the input dataset using a color coding (see example in Figure 6; red = higher relative abundance levels, blue = lower relative abundance levels). Both the samples (corresponding to the columns in the heat map) and the biomolecules (corresponding to the rows) are clustered using average linkage hierarchical clustering, and the Z-score intensity for each sample/biomolecule combination can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding entry in the heat map. Overall, heat map provides an indication of how well the different biological conditions in the input data can be discriminated from each other using the top differentially abundant biomolecules.

Heat map visualization
Figure 6: Heat map visualization of top differentially abundant biomolecules.

5. 2D and 3D principal component analysis of samples

In order to obtain a human-interpretable visual representation of an uploaded dataset, which can reveal local grouping patterns among the samples or facilitate the recognition of outlier samples, the user can optionally generate 2D and 3D principal component analysis (PCA) plots. A corresponding check box above the submission button on the main web-interface has to be marked for this purpose before running the analysis (including the PCA may increase the runtime of a job by a few minutes, depending on the dataset size). The specific PCA methodology employed in RepExplore makes use of variance information in technical replicates in order to obtain more robust results with regard to noise in the original data (since the classical PCA applied to mean or median measurements assumes a similar extent of noise for all measurements, which does not apply to typical omics datasets, using the modified PCA version to exploit replicate variance information increases the robustness and reliability of the outcome).
In the 2D PCA plot shown on the results page after job completion the axes correspond to the first two principal components of the input data (i.e. they point into the first two independent directions of maximum variance in the original variable space). In addition to the static 2D plot the user can also view an interactive 3D PCA visualization (see Fig. 7) of the first three principal components by using a VRML 2.0 browser plugin or downloading the generated VRML-file for offline display in a VRML- viewer (e.g. using the free versions of the bsContact Viewer, the Instant Player, XJ3D Browser or the Cortona viewer). The VRML-visualization enables the user to rotate the plot, zoom into it and click on the samples in order to see the corresponding sample numbers and class labels for the biological conditions appear above the vertical axis.

3D interactive PCA plot
Figure 7: 3D interactive principal component analysis plot for a metabolomics dataset from a case-control study (perspective from a VRML browser).

6. Troubleshooting (system requirements & browser compatibility)

RepExplore is compatible with any recent version of a Javascript-enabled web-browser on common 32-bit operating systems (Windows, Linux and MacOS). The webpage is optimized for a screen resolution of 1680x1050, but has been tested successfully on various other systems with higher resolution. No browser plug-ins are required to display the visualizations, but the generation of some of the plots may require a short waiting time.

Should you experience any problems when displaying the web page or downloading results, please contact us.